Harvest & Processing Pricing


  Harvest Processing Harvest Only All Ground Other Services
Beef $185 $1.50/lb hcw $300 $1.75/lb hcw
Pork $130 $1.20/lb hcw $200 $1.50/lb hcw
Lamb/Goat $100 $100 $130 $120
Sausage $1.40/lb
Smoked Ham $45/leg
Smoked Belly $42/belly
Smoked Hock $4.50/hock
Offal Service


Storage *


Beef $10/day/carc.
Pork $8/day/carc.
Lamb $5/day/carc.
Save Head $10 **
Vac Seal Grind $0.10/lb hcw
1 Steak/pkg $0.10/lb hcw
Patty Service $1.50/lb


 * Storage begins 5 days after customer is notified

** Heads of cattle over 30 months old (as determined by dentition) may not be retained.

Prices as of Jan 1, 2025. 
Pricing subject to change without notice.